

ACTA VŠFS – Economic Studies and Analyses is a reviewed scientific journal, focused on the presentation of results of scientific socioeconomic research. Original research papers or review papers that correspond to actual status of knowledge in this area, have not been previously published, reflecting the state of research in this area and meeting the methodological and normative principles of scientific contributions will be published. The editor opens the opportunity to present results of research for participation with local and foreign authors. 
The topic and the content of articles are reviewed by the editorial scientific board. The editor decides on the final classification. Papers are published solely based on the results of the independent peer-review process. Reviewers' comments are incorporated into the final version.
The author gives the publisher a permission to publish the article by submitting the manuscript in both printed and electronic form without any compensation. Author also approves that paper indeed contains results of his own creative work that are not copyrighted by third parties and that is the original unpublished text yet. 
The paper must have the character of scientific work with the usual structure that is (mostly) the aim set in the Introduction, including current (literary) summary of issues, methods used, analysis of issues, results and discussion of the results. 
Formal requirements of the manuscripts: 

  1. Manuscripts in the range 15–20 pages including appendix (single-spaced) must be sent electronically to the e-mail address of the editor in one file of .doc, .docx or .rtf format (Appendix 1 – Template). 
  2. Only manuscripts in eloquent English according to the spelling rules of this language can be allowed.  
  3. Manuscripts must be adapted for black and white or grayscale printing. Black colour of the font is the only one accepted. Coloured background of the tables, pictures and graphs, coloured lines, borders or labels are not accepted.  
  4. Manuscripts must contain (Annex 2 – structure of the paper): The Title (in English), Abstract (structured abstract as specified in Annex 2, in English), Keywords (6 – 8 words characterising the topic in English), body of the text including Introduction and Conclusions in English. Introduction and Conclusions are not numbered. Manuscript must also contain References, followed by Contact address: full name of the author (authors) including their academic degrees, names and addresses of their workplaces and e-mail addresses. This information will be published alongside the paper. If more authors, indicate the corresponding one. Place the Appendix to the end of the paper. Possible Acknowledgement for the support for research projects should be placed after the Conclusions.  
  5. References may contain only bibliographic citations that are cited in the text. Each citation must be sorted in alphabetical order, unnumbered. 
  6. Bibliographic citations must correspond to the usual rules in the area (Appendix 3). The author is responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic citations in the paper. 
  7. Formulas must be numbered and created in Microsoft Equation 3.0 or other compatible equation editor.
  8. Variables in the body of the text should be in italics.
  9. Numbers: Decimal places in English are separated by dot. Thousands are separated by comma.
  10. Tables are called as Table; graphs, pictures, schemes, etc. are called as Figure. These should be placed in a separate file (indicating their location in the text), formats xls, jpg or tif. The serial number of the table (figure) together with the title is usually contained in the header. (e.g.: Table 1: The title, Figure 2: The title). The source of these data must be noted under the relevant table/figure in all cases of data cited, in precisely traceable form. The table/figure reference must be placed in the text (e.g. see Table 1; etc.).
  11. In case of quotations (non-original cited text in quotation marks) indicate the source directly in text (Baldwin, 2008), or in numbered footnotes, in this case state the title of the reference in a short form, e.g.: Baldwin, Wyplosz (2008), p. 15; or European Commission (2010), p. 24; etc.
  12. ACTA VŠFS uses the APA7 citation style, some examples are included in Annex 3 for authors’ convenience. Detailed information about APA (American Psychological Association) standard can be found here,, (in Czech language),


University of Finance and Administration, Estonská 500,
101 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic

Annex 1

  1. Size –12.
  2. Paragraphs
    – start from margin (no tabs)
    – keep 1 line space between paragraphs.
  3. Spacing –1.
  4. Notes below the line – size 10.
  5. Title style – font size 12, bolded
    -    level 1:                  MAIN TITLE (FIRST PART) capitals
    -    level 2:                  1 Chapter main title
    -    level 3:                  1.1 Subchapter
    -    level 4:                  1.1.1 Subchapter
    Introduction and Conclusion are not numbered.
  6. Manuscript in .doc, .docx, .rtf format.
  7. Figures, tables in .xls, .jpg, .tif format.
  8. Formulas supported in format Microsoft Equations.
  9. Figures and tables labelling (the last number with no dot)
    Figure 1: Title
    Table 2: Title

Annex 2


AUTHOR'S NAME (without the academic degrees)


Since the issue 1/2024, the journal uses structured abstract with the following items.


Practical relevance/social implications:

The first four (in bold) are compulsory, the other are facultative (voluntary) based on paper's content and author's decision.

Keywords (6–8 words)

The text of the paper

- Main text
- Conclusions

Acknowledgement (if applicable)


Contact address
Full name of the author (authors), including their academic degrees, names and Addresses of their workplaces and e-mail addresses. This information will be published alongside the paper. If there are more authors, indicate the corresponding one.

Appendix (if applicable)


Annex 3



Bloom, D., Cashin, C., & Sparkes, S. (2017). Earmarking for health. Theory and Practice. Geneva: WHO.

Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Greer, L., Wismar, M., & Figueras, J. (2015). Strengthening health system governance: better policies, stronger performance. Brussels: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

Journal article

Akazili, J., Gyapong, J., & McIntyre, D. (2011). Who pays for health care in Ghana? International journal for equity in health, 10(26).

Auerbach, A. J. (2010). Public Finance in Practice and Theory. CESifo Economic Studies, 56(1), 1–20. Available 14. 4. 2020, from

Becker, G. (2007). Health as human capital: synthesis and extensions. Oxford Economic Papers, 59(3), 379–410.

Web portal

MISSOC. (2022). Mutual Information System on Social Protection comparative tables. Available 1. 2. 2022, from

Web document

WHO. (2018a). About social determinants of health. Available 1. 3. 2020, from WHO:

Further examples 

See: (in Czech language)

Instructions for authors to download

Guidelines for authors (current version), 138 kB
Guidelines for authors (valid up to the issue 2/2022), 199 kB